Send Joomla Private Messages

Communication between the users is vital for every website. Send Joomla private messages directly to any user. The messages are sent to the back-end users of Joomla with the private messages section. Send the messages, read the replies, receive new messages and even delete messages you don’t need.

The messaging system allows sending messages to the users of your Joomla website. You can send, read, write and delete messages from the private message section.

To reach the section, login to the website as an admin and reach the Joomla Control Panel.

Go to Components > Messaging > New Private Message

Reaching Joomla Private Messages

The section to send private messages to users can be seen below. Send Joomla private messages with these settings. Here, you need add the following details to send messages,

Recipient name– The name of the user to whom you’re sending the messages.

Subject– The subject of the message.

Message– The message to be sent.

Here’s the screenshot demonstrating how you can send messages to users,

Send Joomla Private Messages

Joomla Metadata Settings
Joomla Mass Mail Users
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