29 May MongoDB Tutorial
MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database program. It was initially released on February 11, 2009, and is now one of the most popular databases for modern apps. A NoSQL database, MongoDB is licensed under the Server Side Public License.
The MongoDB tutorial is prepared for students, engineers, and professionals. Beginning with the introduction and installation, you will learn how to create a document, collections, how to insert, delete, update, etc. We have also included aggregation, projection, and regex lessons. With that, step-by-step text and video lessons are provided.
Run MongoDB Online
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db.employees.insertMany([ {empId: 1, name: 'Clark', dept: 'Sales' }, {empId: 2, name: 'Dave', dept: 'Accounting' }, {empId: 3, name: 'Ava', dept: 'Sales' } ]); db.employees.find({dept: 'Sales'}); |
MongoDB Course Index
The following lessons are covered in the MongoDB Tutorial,
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