SQL Free Tutorial

SQL Tutorial

SQL is a Standard Query language used to manage, access, and manipulate data in an RDBMS. It is used to insert, update, and delete records from a database. Also, set permissions on tables and views with SQL.

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The SQL tutorial is prepared for students, engineers, and professionals. Beginning with the introduction and installation, you will learn how to create a database and tables, and how to insert records and select them. We have also included operators, clauses, and subquery lessons. With that, step-by-step text and video lessons are provided.

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SQL Index

The following lessons are covered in the SQL Tutorial,

✔️ SQL – Install & Setup

✔️ SQL – Create & Insert

✔️ SQL – Select Records

✔️ SQL – Order Records

✔️ SQL – Operators

✔️ SQL – Built-in Functions

✔️ SQL – Constraints

✔️ SQL – Alter & Update

✔️ SQL – Advanced

✔️ SQL – Resources

Ubuntu Tutorial
How to Drop a Table in SQL
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