About Studyopedia

Who We Are

Studyopedia is a leading EdTech launched to provide courses, study material, quizzes, and interview questions in varied subjects, including Generative AI, Data Science, Python, Machine Learning, Java, C, C++, SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, etc. We have also published self-paced courses. Students will get a Certificate of Completion from Studyopedia after completing the course. We invite colleges and universities to partner with us and revolutionize education.


Our YouTube Channel


Views/ Months
: 2 million+
Unique Visitors/ Month: 1.3 million+
Subscribers: 220k+

Total views: 62 million+
Total watch time: 2.3 million+ hours
Total Impressions: 350 million+
Reach: 200+ countries and territories (Major Countries: India and US)


Read More: Amit Thinks YouTube Channel Stats in 2023


Our Courses have more than 60,000 enrollments on top EdTechs, including the following:


About Studyopedia

Never Stop Learning

Studyopedia focuses on creating content for those who want to start with the basics of a subject. We believe that learning shouldn’t stop and successful people never stop learning,

Once you stop learning, you start dying.
-Albert Einstein

Studyopedia is free

The website is a free learning resource.

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