MongoDB Introduction

In this post, learn what is MongoDB, features and available Editions. Let’s begin with an overview of MongoDB.

What is MongoDB?

  • A document-based database program.
  • NoSQL Database (non-tabular and different from Relational)
  • The most popular database for modern apps
  • Cross-platform
  • Developer: MongoDB Incorporation
  • Written in: C++, Go, JavaScript, Python
  • Initial Release: 2009
  • Used by: Adobe, Google, Verizon, IBM, Uber etc.

MongoDB Features

  • Document-based: Stores data in JSON-like documents.
  • Indexing: Files can be indexed in MongoDB
  • Rich Query Language: Filter and sort by any field and even
    nested ones.
  • Joins: Supports Joins in queries
  • Use Cases: Support with geo-based search, graph search, text
    search, etc.
  • Multi-document ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation,
    durability) transactions.
  • Aggregation: Perform Aggregation with Aggregation pipeline,
    the map-reduce function, etc. Aggregation group values from multiple documents together to perform a variety of operations on the grouped data to return a single result.

MongoDB can be explained in a better way now using the below demonstration and example:

MongoDB example


  • MongoDB Community Server: Free (Windows, Linux, Mac)
  • MongoDB Enterprise Server: Subscription – Commercial License
  • MongoDB Atlas: Deploy MongoDB in the Cloud. Runs on AWS,
  • Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform

Video Tutorial

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Read More:

How to install MongoDB on Windows 10
How to Create a Database in MongoDB
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