C Introduction

C language is a high-level language developed by Dennis M. Ritchie. It was implemented in 1972, but the first publicly available description of C was developed and produced by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie in 1978.

  • Firstly, B language was introduced. So, C is a successor of B.
  • The popular UNIX was written in C.
  • C Language has been used to develop operating systems, databases, editors, etc.
  • C language code is generally written in a text file with the extension .c

C Language is still preferred since it is simple and reliable to use. A lot of discussions and comparisons have been seen about C, C++, and Java. Let us learn why C should be learned before learning C++ and Java,

  • Always start from the basics. Learn the basic programming concepts in C, before switching to C++ and Java concepts like class, objects, abstract classes, exception handling, inheritance, etc. Basics will make your learning simpler for other languages.
  • In recent years, the concept of Java and C++ has definitely been boosted. But still, C is being used since the core C language elements are still required.
  • Some Operating Systems, tools, and software are still written in C. The device drivers, which help in solving your software issues with hardware are still written in C interaction with hardware. It is still the first choice because the execution is fast and hassle-free.

Here are the features, discussed under C Introduction,

Structured Language

C language is a structured language since it can be easily split into multiple blocks of execution, which are known as functions. This makes the code easier to understand

Execution Speed

The efficient and fast execution of C programs still makes it the number one choice of programmers. The compilation and execution of a C program are quite fast.

Built-in functions

C language built-in functions help in writing complex programs with ease.

Code Reusability

Code reusability eliminates the need of writing the same code again and again and leads to lesser lines of code and faster execution. Recursion occurs when a function calls itself, hence reducing the need of writing code again and again.


C language extends itself and takes up new features.

In this lesson, we learned about C language and its features such as Faster execution, Code reusability, built-in functions, etc.

Constants in C Language
Setup Environment for C (Download and Install Turbo C/C++)
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