Operators in C Programming

Operators perform operations by taking one or more values, to give another value. These operations are performed on variables and values. In this lesson, we will learn about operators in C Programming.

For example:

The types of operators are explained here with an example, where a = 5, b =10. The following are the operators in C Programming:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Assignment Operators
  • Relational/ Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Unary Operators
  • Conditional Operators

C Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators perform arithmetical operations, such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, etc.

C Arithmetic Operator

The following example shows how to work with Arithmetic operators in C Programming,

Here’s the output,

C Programming Arithmetic Operators

C Assignment Operator

Use the Assignment Operator when you need to assign a value to a variable. Assignment means assigning the value of the right operand(s) to the left operand.

C Assignment Operator

C Arithmetic Assignment Operators

Use the Arithmetic Assignment Operator when you need to perform arithmetic operations such as add, subtract, divide, multiply, etc and at the same time assign a value.

C Arithmetic Assignment Operator

The following example shows how to work with Arithmetic Assignment Operators in C Programming,

Here’s the output,

C Programming Arithmetic Assignment Operators

C Relational/ Comparison Operators

Compare two values with relational operators, which are also known as Comparison Operators.

C Relational or Comparison operator

The following example shows how to work with Relational Operator in C Programming,

Here’s the output,

C Programming Relational Operators

C Logical Operators

Logical operators combine conditional statements. For example, we’re considering Boolean variables a and b,

C Logical Operators

The following example shows how to work with Logical Operator in C Programming,

Here’s the output,

C Programming Logical Operators

C Unary Operators

Unary operators include pre as well as post-increment and decrement operators,
C Unary Operator

The following example shows how to work with Unary Operators in C Programming,

Here’s the output,

C Programming Unary Increment and Decrement Operators

C  Conditional Operators

Conditional operator evaluates Boolean expressions, with three operands. It is also known as the ternary operator. The role is to assign a value to a variable, from two given set options.

Here’s how to use it,

The following example shows how to work with the Conditional Operator in C Programming,

Here’s the output,

C Programming Conditional Operators

In this lesson, we learned about Operators in C Programming. We saw how to work with Arithmetic, Unary, Relational, Arithmetic Assignment, and other operators.

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Variables in C Programming
Decision Making Statements in C
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