How to install Joomla on localhost (local server) using XAMPP

Joomla is a multilingual Content Management System widely used to develop dynamic websites. It is the 2nd most used content management system, after WordPress. Joomla installation on localhost is quite easy. It has some simple steps, which can be seen below,

What you need for Installation

For starting working on Joomla, you need the following software/ tools on localhost:

  • Joomla: Joomla is a free and open source content management system, used to develop websites.
  • XAMPP: It is a cross platform open source web solution package, that fulfills your need of,
    • Web Server
    • MySQL
    • PHP

Installing Joomla on Localhost using XAMPP

We’re learning Joomla installation from scratch, so first we need to install it on localhost. Here are the steps,

Step 1: Firstly, download and install XAMPP

Step 2: Go to the official Joomla website and click Get started Download or go to the official Joomla Download page and click Download Joomla 3.7.0

Download link for Joomla

Step 3: After downloading, go to xampp/htdocs and then create folder for our project. In that save the zip file of Joomla 3.7.0 downloaded above.

We have created a folder Studyopedia and now we will save the zip file here and unzip it.

Unzip Joomla zip file in project folder Studyopedia

Step 4: Now, start XAMPP from XAMPP Control Panel

Step 5: Go to the web browser, type localhost/Studyopedia/ and press enter.

Joomla Installation Begins

Step 6: Now, add the following details about the website,

Site NameStudyopediaAdd site name
DescriptionFree learning for students and professional with free learning tutorials and videos. Learning should never stop.Add description of the website
Administrator Email Administrator Email
Administrator UsernameLearnerOneAdministrator Username
Administrator PasswordAdministrator Password
Site OfflineNoSite online or offline. If you will select “Yes”, the after installation, site will be shown as “Under Maintenance”

Here’s the screenshot showing the same,

Adding Joomla Main Configuration details

After adding the details, click Next.

Step 7: Now, for Database configuration, create a new database in phpMyAdmin.

Let’s create a new database, aviddb,

First, we need to go to phpMyAdmin. Go to the following link and press enter,

Now, after reaching phpMyAdmin, the following will be visible,

Open phpMyAdmin to create MySQL database

As in the above screenshot, click New to create a database.

Add the database name and click Create as in the following screenshot,

Creating new MySQL database aviddb

The MySQL database will get created successfully.

Let’s proceed with the Joomla installation.

Step 8:

Let’s proceed from Step 6 and add the database details in Database Configuration as shown below,

Database TypeMySQLType of Database
Host NamelocalhostHost
UsernamerootSince we are working on localhost , our host is root .
PasswordAdd Password
Database NameaviddbAdd Database Name here
Table Prefixcwtvu_Add a table prefix to your database tables
Old Database ProcessRemove" Backup " or " Remove " any existing tables from former Joomla! Installations with the same "Table Prefix".

We created a database, aviddb in Step 7. Added the same database in Database Configuration, here’s the screenshot showing the Database Configuration details,

Adding Database Configuration details for Joomla


After adding the details, click Next.

Step 9: Now, add the following details for the last step Finalization. This will also show the settings enabled before,

Install Sample DataDefault English (GB) Sample DataInstalling sample content, recommended for beginners
Email ConfigurationYesThis will email configuration setting to admin email-id.

Adding final details for Joomla installation


Now, click Install as shown above.

Step 10: The following shows the installation of Joomla begins. With that the sections are visible, like creating configuration files, creating database tables, installing sample data, etc.

Joomla Installing

Step 11: Joomla installation completes successfully. With the completion of installation, the interface has an option to remove installation folder, for security.

Click Remove Installation folder. This will help you to protect your site, so that no other person can re-install your site.

Joomla Installation completed

Step 12: Above you can see an option is visible to install extra language. Here you can install multiple languages for Joomla website,

Click Install Languages,

Now a section is visible wherein select the languages you want on the website.

Joomla Extra Language option

Install the languages and click Next. Now an option is visible for selecting the default administrative and default site language,

Select Joomla default language

Step 13:

Also, you need to remove the installation folder for security, since this is a security feature for Joomla. Click on the button Remove installation folder shown below and remove the folder before moving further,

Remove Joomla Installation Folder

The folder will uninstall successfully,

Joomla Installation folder removed

Step 14: Click Administrator to reach the administrator screen after installation,

Reached Joomla administrator screen after installation

Introduction to Joomla
Joomla Website First Page
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1 Comment
  • Alexander Botha
    Posted at 20:51h, 05 November Reply

    Beautiful and easy to follow

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