Magento Dashboard Left Menus

In the previous lesson, we learned how to login as an admin and reach the Magento Dashboard. Now, we will learn how to work with the Magento Dashboard Left Menus.

All the dashboard left menus are now listed, which will help in developing your online store. These menus can only be accessed by the administrator. Let’s learn about the Magento Dashboard Left Menus in detail.

Sales Menu

When you will login as an admin, you will reach the Dashboard. On reaching, you will see some options and the Magento Dashboard Left Menus. The first menu under that is the Sales Menu.

Magento Sales menu provides options for orders, shipments, etc. If you want to add shipment options, credit memos, etc, then go to the SALES MENU.

To reach the Magento Sales menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click SALES


Products Menu

Magento Products Menu lets you add categories and catalog to the store. Add new inventory with the PRODUCTS MENU,

To reach the Magento Products menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click PRODUCTS


Customers Menu

Magento Customers Menu provide a sub-menu to reach the customer section, wherein you can also add new customers to the store. Also, Magento provides an amazing option to administrator for checking which customers are online in real-time.

To reach the Magento Customers menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click CUSTOMERS

Magento CUSTOMERS Menu

Marketing Menu

Magento Marketing menu provides a lot of option that will help a website owner and/ or administrator to market the store.

To reach the Magento Marketing menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click MARKETING

Magento MARKETING Menu

It has the following four options,

  • Promotions: Catalog and Cart Price Rule can be set here.
  • Communications: Here, check the Newsletter Subscribers. For promotions, create a new Newsletter Template as well as Email Template from here itself.
  • SEO & Search: Working with SEO is quite important for every website or store. From here, reach the
    SiteMap section, check the search terms, create search Synonyms, etc.
  • User Content: Check the reviews of your store’s products from here. It provides a complete list of
    users, who have submitted a review for the products purchased.

Content Menu

From the Content menu, reach the pages section of the website, wherein you can also add a new page to the store. With that, add blocks and regions to the store, for example, login box to right sidebar.

The menu also provides options to view the themes of the Magento store. An amazing feature while working with Magento is to schedule different designs.

To reach the Magento content menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click CONTENT

Magento CONTENT Menu

Reports Menu

As the name tell, the Reports menu provides you with options to access various reports such as orders, tax,  order total, order count, shipping, etc.

To reach the Reports menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click REPORTS

Magento REPORTS Menu

Stores Menu

With the Magento Stores menu, set the currency as well as taxes for your store. Products attribute can also be set from here. Check all stores of your website with the stores sub-menu options. Order Status is another amazing option found in the Stores menu.

To reach the Stores menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click STORES

Magento STORES Menu

System Menu

Magento System Menu provides with the system settings of your store such as Cache Management, extensions, backups, etc. All the users of the store can be found here, with user roles. From here, import and exports tax rates easily,

To reach the Magento System menu,

  • Login to the website as admin,
  • On the left menu, click SYSTEM

Magento SYSTEM Menu

Magento Dashboard UI
Magento Search Terms
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