Install Magento 2 on localhost using XAMPP

Magento is the most popular E-Commerce platform in the world. More than 250,000 merchants around the globe working with Magento for E-Commerce solutions. Magento installation on localhost is quite easy. It has some simple steps, which are shown below. Firstly, we will learn about the software requirements to install Magento for online store development, then move further to install Magento, setup database, etc.

What all you need to install Magento

Here, we will learn the installation on localhost. For installation, we need XAMPP, an open source cross-platform web server solution stack package. XAMPP, developed by Apache Friends, provides a server i.e. Apache, and database i.e. MariaDB (formally MySQL), and PHP.

  • Apache web server
  • MySQL database
  • Magento

Download and install XAMPP

Let’s start with the installation,

Step 1- Go to the Apache Friends website and download XAMPP,

Downloading XAMPP for Magento

Step 2- Install XAMPP

Now, double click on the exe file, xampp-win32-5.6.30-0-VC11-installer.exe and the installation starts.

XAMPP installation starts

Now, after clicking Next, add the installation folder for XAMPP. The installation folder for it is,

Installation folder location for XAMPP

Now, above, click Next

XAMPP installation completes & select Start Control Panel

After clicking Finish above, you can see the XAMPP Control Panel starts. Now, start Apache and MySQL,

Apache – Web Server
MySQL – Database

Start Apache & MySQL from XAMPP Control Panel

Step 3- Create a folder in htdocs directory, we created Studyopedia.

This will be our project folder,

Now, let’s install Magento as shown in the next lesson, and move the zip file in the Studyopedia folder.

Download and install Magento

Now, we will move further to install and download Magento,

Step 1- Download Magento

Go to the official website of Magento and download Magento, with sample data, so that it can provide you a sample store as well after installation,

Download Magento

Now, it will ask for Signup, create an account, verify Email-id and download Magento.

Step 2- Unzip the downloaded Magento zip file in the Studyopedia folder as seen in the previous lesson.

Here’s the location, where you need to unzip Magento zip file.

So, now your Magento folder will be visible in the above directory, shown below,

Magento zip file extracted

Step 3- Go to the web browser, type http/localhost/Studyopedia and press enter.

Step 4- Now, you can see the following is visible. Click Agree and Set Up Magento

Magento installation started

Now, click Start Readiness Check, as shown below. It checks the PHP version, PHP extensions, file permissions and other stuff for environment compatibility,

Start Readiness Check for Magento installation

Errors seen now

While working on installation, you may find the following installation errors under this step,

  1. PHP Setting Check
  2. PHP Extensions Check

Errors while Magento installation

Resolve Error 1

Here’s the first error,

Here’s how to resolve error 1,

Resolve Error 2

Here’s what we saw above, our 2nd error, PHP missing extensions,

Error 2 with Magento installation

The best way to resolve this is to install the correct missing extensions. The fix ALSO depends on our server, your host, and other system variables.

Try this fix!

Open php.ini and uncomment, both

 After above, refresh and now you can see both the errors resolved,

Magento Readiness check completed successfully

Now, click Next

Step 5- Now, Add a database section is visible.

To create a database, open a new tab and go to the following link,

After that, create a new database as shown below,

Create new MySQL database for Magento

We created a new database, magentodb and then added the following details. It includes details like adding database username, database username and password, etc.

Database Server HostlocalhostAdd host name
Database Server UsernamerootAdd username
Database Server PasswordNot always necessary
Database NamemagentodbAdd database name
Table prefixAdd table prefix

Added new database for Magento

Now, click Next

Step 6- We’ve now reached the Web Configuration step. It includes details like store address, magento admin address, etc.

Here are the details,

Your Store Addresshttp://localhost/Studyopedia/
Magento Admin Addressadmin_learnerone
HTTPS OptionsSelect to enable the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL
Apache RewritesUse Apache rewrites, an supported only if you enabled server rewrites when Apache is installed.
Encryption KeyKey to encrypt sensitive data in the database. Generate encryption key from Magento or use your own.
Session SaveHow to store session data

Here’s the screenshot showing the same,
Magento Store Web Configuration

Now, click Next

Step 7- The next step is where you can customize your store i.e. Customize your Store section,

Now, fill the following details,

Store Default Time ZoneISTSet default time zone for Magento store
Store Default CurrencyINRSet default currency for Magento store
Store Default LanguageEnglishSet default language for Magento store
Advanced Modules ConfigurationEnable or disable modules before you install Magento , This is optional.

Here’s the screenshot showing the same,
Customize Magento Store
Now, click Next

Step 8- Now a section just before final installation of Magento is Create Admin Account. For developing Magento store, you need to create admin account to enter the dashboard. The administrator has all the permissions on the website and creating an admin store is a step which can’t be skipped.

Administrator develops the store and manages it. Admin also has authority to add other users on the store and give them permissions, such as Editor.

Creating Admin Account for Magento Store

Now, click Next

Step 9The final step is here to install Magento.

Click Install Now,

Final step to Install Magento Store

Here, you can see it is installing.

Magento Store installing

Installed successfully,

Magento Installed Successfully

Now, click Launch Magento Admin, which will redirect you to,

In the next lesson, we will learn how to visit the Magento Store for the first time after installation.

Read More

Introduction to Magento
Magento Store Home Page
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