Magento Customer Registration

Customers are those who login to your store to buy products. So, let’s add a customer first and learn how to find the customers list and other related options. Magento Customer Registration simply includes creating a new account.

Let’s say a customer Tom visits your store and creates an account.

Here, we will see how to create an account,

Step 1– Go to the website link localhost/Studyopedia and click Create an Account as shown below,

Magento Customer Registration

After clicking, you will reach the section to add a new customer.

Step 2– Add details to create an account, and then click Create an Account button. The details include the following: First Name, Last Name, and Password for the new account, as in the following screenshot,

Adding details to create Magento Customer account

After that click Create an Account and the account gets successfully, with the message Thank you for registering.

Account created for customer Tom. As in the following screenshot, a customer after creating am account, can check the Account Dashboard, Account Information, Address Book, etc. With that, the orders, downloadable products can also be checked.

A customer can also update the information from the same section.

Magento Customer account created successfully

In the next lesson, we will how the customer we added above will login to the store.

Add Magento Subcategory
Magento Customer Login
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