Drupal Site Settings

While developing or working with your website there may be a requirement to update the site name, email address, default front page and even add a default 404 page. These settings can be easily done by reaching the Drupal site settings.

For reaching the Basic Site Settings section,

Go to Configuration > System > Basic Site Settings,

Reaching Drupal Site Settings

Now, the section for Drupal site settings is visible. Here, you can fill or update the following values depending on your requirement,

Site name: The site name visible to the visitors comes here

Slogan: Add the slogan of the website here.

Email address: The email address of the website through which the registration and password reset emails are sent to users of the website.

Default Front Page: Set the default front page here, if left blank it displays the default front page.

Default 403 (access denied) page: An error page, which gets displayed when a user tries to access a page he is not authorized to view.

Default 404 (not found) page: An error page, which gets displayed when a user tries to access a page, not available on the website.

Drupal Site Settings

Change background color of Drupal Website
Add Drupal Front Page
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