Install WordPress on Localhost using XAMPP

WordPress installation is quite easy. It has some simple steps, which are shown below. First, we will learn about the software requirements to install WordPress for website development.

What you need for Installation

For starting work on WordPress, you need the following software/ tools on localhost:

  • WordPress– WordPress is a free and open source content management system, widely used to develop websites.
  • XAMPP: It is a cross platform open source web solution package, that fulfills your need of,
    • Web Server
    • MySQL
    • PHP

Installing WordPress on Localhost

We’re learning WordPress installation from scratch, so first, we need to install it on localhost. Here are the steps:

Step 1– Go to the XAMPP official website and download XAMPP,

XAMPP to Install WordPress

Step 2– Install XAMPP at any location.

We’re installing in C: Drive as shown below,

Install-XAMPP-on-localhost for WordPress


Step 3– Create project folder in the following htdocs directory, C:\xampp\htdocs\


We’re done with installation of XAMPP.

Now, we will learn how to install WordPress.

Step 4- Download WordPress from the official website.

Download WordPress from official website

Step 5- After downloading, move the downloaded WordPress zip file to the project folder:

Unzip the WordPress folder in your project directory. The final link should look like the

Here’s how the directory now looks like after unzipping WordPress,

Add WordPress in project directory

Step 6– Now, start XAMPP from XAMPP Control Panel,

Open-XAMPP-Control-Panel now

After opening XAMPP, click Start on Apache and MySQL.

Here, Apache is our server and MySQL is our database.

Starting Apache and MySQL on XAMPP

Step 7- Go to the web browser and open your website using the project folder Studyopedia,

On pressing enter, it will automatically redirect to WordPress setup link as in the following screenshot,

Start with WordPress installation

Select a language; we’re selecting English as in the following screenshot,

Selecting language for WordPress installation

Now, a message is displayed that you need to create a database.

Create database for WordPress website on localhost

Read it and click on Let’s Go.

Meanwhile, create a database, as shown below. For creating a database, we will go to an application provided by XAMPP i.e. phpMyAdmin

Step 8- Go to phpMyAdmin and create a new MySQL database

Go to the web browser and type the following in the address bar and press enter,

Open phpMyAdmin to create MySQL database

Now, click New to create a new database as shown below. We’re creating a database with name, webdb. You can create a database with any name of your choice.

Creating new MySQL database webdb

After adding the database name, click Create as in the above screenshot.

So, our database webdb created successfully as in the following screenshot,

MySQL Database webdb created

Step 9– Continue with setting WordPress on web browser, as shown in Step 7 above. After Step 7, you will reach, where you need to add database connection details. We created a database webdb in Step 8, so we can easily add the database connection details now,

Add the database connection details,

MySQL database connection details for WordPress

Here, you can see we added the following values in the fields,

Database NameWebdbThe name of database
UsernamerootUsername while running on localhost will be root
PasswordLeave it blank for localhost
Database HostlocalhostDevelopment on local system, do host is taken as localhost
Table Prefixwp_Table prefix

After adding the values, click Submit.

Step 10– Now, you can see the following screen, Click Run the Install,

Click Run the Install to install WordPress

After running, you can see the installation is successful. Now, add the site details: title, username, email, etc.

Add your WordPress site information

After adding the information above, here you can learn about it,

WordPress Site information added

As you can see above, we added the following values,

Site DetailsValueDescription
Site TitleStudyopediaSite title
UsernameLearnerOneAdd admin username
PasswordAdd admin password
Your EmailAdd admin email
Search Engine VisibilityDo not disable search engine visibility.

Now, click on Install WordPress to install,

Step 11– Installation successful, since the login screen is visible,

WordPress Installation Successfull

Now, you need to see what WordPress installation has provided you.

In the next lesson, we will visit the first page of our website on localhost, with the default theme installed by WordPress. vs
WordPress Website First Page
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