Check PrestaShop Store Orders

Every online store has some products, which is displayed so that the customers can buy them. Products purchased by the customers are visible in the PrestaShop Orders section. The status of the orders is also provided here, such as orders cancelled, orders awaiting payments, payment errors etc. In this lesson, we will learn how to check PrestaShop Store orders being the admin of the store.

To reach the PrestaShop Orders section, login to the store as an admin and reach the Dashboard.

Go to SELL > Orders. After that you need to click Orders.

Reaching PrestaShop Store Orders section

Now, after reaching the orders section, you can check all the orders with details like the Order ID, Order Date, Payment Method, Payment Status, Order Status, Customer Name, etc.

With this, you can also add a new order, since Add new order button can be easily spotted, with the total order details,

Check PrestaShop Store Orders

In the above screenshot, all the details about orders are given.

Click on View for any of the orders.

Now, all the details about an order is given, for example, payment method, shipping method, customer details, shipping address, invoice address, etc.

Order details from PrestaShop Orders section

Add new category to PrestaShop Store
Add new Supplier to PrestaShop Store
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