Add new products to PrestaShop Store

Products are what you want to sell on your PrestaShop Store. Here, we will learn how to add new products to PrestaShop Store. Give a nice title and description to the product. With that, the images should be of high quality, so that on zooming, it looks fine.

To reach the products section, login to the store as an admin and reach the PrestaShop Dashboard.

Go to the SELL section and click Catalog.

Reach PrestaShop products section

After that you need to click Products. The Products section is visible now, wherein all the products on the PrestaShop store are visible. Option is also available to add new product,

PrestaShop Products section

Let’s add a new product. Click New Products,

Now, the section to add new product can be seen. The type of products can be seen here,

PrestaShop Add New Products section

Above, the types of products to be added to the PrestaShop store are also visible. Let’s first see the types,

Types of PrestaShop Products

Here are the types of products. You will find the option to select the type, while adding a new product to the PrestaShop store,

Standard Products

Standard products are the basic product to be added to the online store. For example, pen drive, hard disk, etc.

Pack of Products

Add pack of products i.e. at least two existing products on the store.

Virtual Product

With PrestaShop, you can also add Virtual Product. Downloadable files such as songs, E-Books, etc comes under the Virtual product section.

Let’s see the options to add new PrestaShop product,

Add new products to PrestaShop Store

The following are the options, which you can see in the above screenshot also,

Product Name
Add the product name.

The sales are visible here.

Product List
The list of all products is visible here.

Basic Settings

The settings include the basis settings like the following,

  • Combinations
    Add simple product or product with combinations.
  • Reference
    Reference code for this product.
  • Quantity
    The number of products available for sale.
  • Price
    This is the net sales price.
  • Tax rule
    Tax rule for the product.
  • Product Image
    The image of the product. Supported format is JPG, PNG or GIF format.
  • Product Summary
    Add the summary of the product.
  • Product Description
    Add the description of the product.
  • Add a feature
    The product features such as height, width, depth, styles, etc.Add New PrestaShop Product feature
  • Add a brand
    Add the brand for the new product.
  • Add a related product
    Add related product.
  • Product Category
    Mention the category for the product here, such as footwear category for sports shoes.
  • Create new category
    Add a new category for the PrestaShop store, such as Electronics, Footwear, Accessories,


  • Quantity
    The minimum quantity of the product.
  • Minimum Quantity for Sale
    The minimum quantity required to buy the product such as product purchase is allowed only when you buy a set of products.
  • Availability Preferences
    Mention what is to be done when the product is out of stock i.e. Deny orders, Allow orders, etc.
  • Availability Date
    The availability date of the product for customers.


  • Package Dimension
    The width, height and other dimensions for the products. This is for shipping costs.
  • Shipping Fees
    The shipping costs.


  • Retail Price
    This is the net sales price to be visible for the customers.
  • Cost Price
    The cost price is the actual price paid for the product.
  • Specific Prices
    Set specific prices for customers of different groups.
  • Priority management
    Apply priority on the basis of price rules.


  • Meta title
    The title of the product.
  • Meta Description
    The description of the product.
  • Friendly URL
    This is the URL visible to users in the web browser. Automatically generates on the basis of product name you entered above, but you can change it accordingly.
  • Redirection Page
    If the product is disabled, then add the page here wherein you want the visitors to redirect.


  • Visibility
    The visibility of the product i.e. you want it to be visible everywhere, catalog only, search only, etc.
  • Condition & References
    The condition of the product. Also, add the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) code here for the product.
  • Attached Files
    Add filed to be available for uesrs to download while buying the product i.e. instructions, instructions manual, etc.
  • Suppliers
    Mention the suppliers of the current product and its combinations.

In the bottom tab, you can see the following options,

Delete Product
Delete the product from here.

Preview the product page here before publishing the page.

Online/ Offline
This option is to enable or disable the product.

Save the product page.

In this lesson, we learned how to add new PrestaShop product on our online store. In the next lesson, we will learn how to add a new PrestaShop product attribute.

PrestaShop Dashboard
Add product attributes to PrestaShop Store
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