Add new page to PrestaShop Store

With PrestaShop, you can easily add new page to PrestaShop Store. Add pages like Team, About, Products pages to your store.

To reach the PrestaShop Pages section, login to the store as an admin and reach the Dashboard.

Go to IMPROVE > Design > Pages

Reaching PrestaShop Store Pages section

After reaching the pages section, all the pages on the store will be visible.

Also, a section is visible to add a new page,

PrestaShop Store pages section

Now, click Add new page, and you will reach the add a new page section,

Add new page to PrestaShop Store

The following fields are to be filled while adding a new page,

Page Category
Add a category to the new page you’re adding to the PrestaShop store.

Meta Title
Add a title to the new page.

Meta Description
Add a description to the new page.

Meta keywords
Add keywords to the new page.

Friendly URL
The URL of the new page.

Page Content
The content of the new page.

Indexation by Search Engines
The page is to be indexed or not. Enable Yes, if you want it to be indexed.

The page is to be displayed or not. Enable Yes, if you want it to be enabled.

After adding details to the above fields, click Save.

Now go to the pages section and the new Team page is visible,

New page in the PrestaShop Store visible

In this lesson we will learn how to work with add new page to PrestaShop Store.

Add new Customer to PrestaShop Store
PrestaShop Themes Insight
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