Add Cart Price Rule to PrestaShop Store

Shopping Cart price rules are discounts which are added after a product has been added to cart. For example, buy 1 get 1 free, coupon code, free shipping, etc. In this lesson we will learn how to add cart price rule to PrestaShop Store.

To reach the cart price rule section, login to the Store as an admin and reach the PrestaShop Dashboard.

Under the section SELL, click Catalog. After that you need to click Discounts.

Reaching PrestaShop Store Discount section

Now you will reach the Cart Rules tab. Right now, you can’t find any Cart price Rule added to the PrestaShop Store,

PrestaShop Store Cart Price Rule Discount Section

Click Add new cart rule to add a new price rule.

Now, you will reach the section to add cart rule. The rule has three tabs Information, Conditions, Actions.

Cart Price Rule – Information

The following are the field provided by this section, which you need to fill,

It will display in the cart summary and invoice.

This is the description of the added cart rule.

The coupon code the users will enter avail discount. The admin can enter the code here for users or can generate by clicking Generate button.

If the voucher isn’t added in the cart, it will get displayed in the cart summary.

Enable or disable the coupon code from this toggle button.

PrestaShop Cart Price Rule Information

Cart Price Rule – Conditions

The following are the functions provided by this section,

Limit to a single customer
Add the customer care if you want the rule for only a single customer. If left blank, it will be available for every customer of our PrestaShop Store.

This is the period of coupon to be available for customers. The default is one month.

Minimum Amount
The minimum amount for the cart either with or without the taxes and shipping.

Total Available
Total number of cart price rules available.

Total Available for each user
A customer can use this cart price rule for how many times.

Add the restriction for the cart price rule. Restrictions are based on the country of delivery.

PrestaShop Cart Price Rule Conditions

Cart Price Rule – Actions

The following are the functions provided by this section,

Free Shipping
Allow free shipping or not from here.

Apply a discount
Apply a discount as a percent or amount or none.

Exclude discounted products
If you want to exclude discounted products.

Send a free gift
If you want to allow sending a free gift or not.

PrestaShop Cart Price Rule Actions

In this lesson we learned how to work with Cart Price Rule and add one for your PrestaShop Store. This will allow customers to use coupon code for products added to cart. It will attract more customers to your PrestaShop Store. In the next lesson we will learn how to add catalog price rule to PrestaShop Store.

Set Taxes in PrestaShop Store
Add Catalog Price Rule to PrestaShop Store
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