osCommerce Database Backup Manager

Backups are quite important for any website. With osCommerce, easily create a database backup. osCommerce Database Backup Manager section is provided to easily create a backup without installing a new module.

While installing osCommerce on Windows, we created a MySQL database oscdb. Let’s learn how to create a backup of it.

To create backup you need to reach the Database Backup Manager. Here are the steps to create a backup,

Login to the osCommerce store as an admin and reach the osCommerce Dashboard.

Go to Tools > Database Backup as shown below,

osCommerce Database Backup

Now, we created a backup before, so it is visible.

To create a new backup, click Backup as shown below,

Creating Database Backup for osCommerce store

After creating a backup, you can also use the Restore button to restore it.

The backup gets saved in the backup directory as shown above.

Add new Language in osCommerce Store
Optimize osCommerce Database Tables
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