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Optimize osCommerce Database Tables

Optimization is quite important to reduce the loading time of a website. Reduced load time, will increase page views, decrease bounce rate and will lead to high ranking website/store. In this case, optimizing database tables is a crucial step. Learn how to Optimize osCommerce Database tables.

To optimize the database tables of the osCommerce store,

Login to the store as an admin and reach the osCommerce Dashboard.

Go to Tools > Database Tables as shown below,

Reaching osCommerce database tables section

Now, database tables of the website are visible.

Select all the tables and Optimize Tables from dropdown.

After that click Go,

Optimize osCommerce Database Tables

Above, you can see the list of tables. With that, the section for optimization is also visible, while will allow you to reduce the tabale size.

Select the individual tables also with this option and optimize them on button click.

osCommerce Database Backup Manager
osCommerce Tutorial
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