Machine Learning Tutorial

Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence. The computer is fed with data and information. This gives these systems the ability to learn and enhance from experiences. The process happens without being explicitly programmed. In the below figure, you can easily understand the ecosystem of Machine Learning:

Data Science VS Machine Learning VS Artificial Intelligence vs Deep Learning


The Machine Learning tutorial is prepared for students, engineers, and professionals. This tutorial will be useful for understanding Machine Learning models.

Machine Learning Tutorial – Index

Machine Learning – Introduction

  1. What is Machine Learning
  2. Applications of ML
  3. ML vs DL

Machine Learning – Model

  1. What is a Machine Learning Model
  2. Steps to build an ML model
  3. What is Train/ Test in an ML Model

Machine Learning – Terminologies. 13

  1. Inductive vs Deductive Machine Learning
  2. Bagging vs Boosting in Machine Learning 
  3. Overfitting & Underfitting in Machine Learning
  4. Confusion Matrix in Machine Learning
  5. Transfer Learning in Machine Learning

Machine Learning – Types. 17

  1. Types of Machine Learning.
  2. Supervised Learning
  3. Unsupervised Learning
  4. Semi-Supervised Learning
  5. Reinforcement Learning
  6. Supervised vs Unsupervised vs Reinforcement

Machine Learning – Classification

  1. What is Classification
  2. Decision Tree
  3. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)Algorithm Tutorial
  4. Support Vector Machine
  5. Naive Bayes
  6. Random Forest

Machine Learning – Regression

  1. What is Regression
  2. What is Logistic Regression
  3. What is Linear Regression
  4. Linear vs Logistic Regression
  5. When to choose Classification over Regression

Machine Learning – Clustering

  1. What is Clustering
  2. Types of Clustering
  3. K-Means Clustering

Machine Learning – Other Algorithms

  1. Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms
  2. Gradient Boosting Algorithm and AdaBoosting Algorithm

Machine Learning – Scenarios

  1. Examples with Answers.

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Machine Learning - Introduction with an example
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