Solve Joomla-Installation-Error

Resolving Joomla Local Installation freezes and hangs up error

Let’s say you begin installation of Joomla and after some steps the installation takes a long time, freezes and hangs up.

Here’s the screenshot showing the same.

Joomla Installation Stops Error


Let’s see how to resolve this issue,

We need to reach the php.ini file for resolving the issues. For that, go to

XAMPP Control Panel > Config > PHP (php.ini)

Fix Joomla Local Installation freezes error

After opening php.ini

Change the memory limit and maximum execution time,

Restart the Apache Server and now refresh the installation page.

The issue will resolve and the installation will be successful.

If you found another fix for the error, and you’re facing another issue, then please mention in the comments section.

Resolving Drupal Installation PHP OPcode Caching Not Enabled Warning
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