Fix MySQL Bad Handshake: Failed to Connect to MySQL at;3306 with user root

In this post, learn how to fix MySQL Bad Handshake error. You may get this error while installing MySQL on Windows 10 and opening “MySQL Workbench” for the first time. Below is the exact error.


Following is the error:

Following is the screenshot of the error, showing error occurs while opening MySQL Workbench:

MySQL Bad Handshake error

Fix MySQL Bad Handshake Error

Step1: To fix the issue, go to the official MySQL Website i.e., the following link:

Under “MySQL Community Downloads”, click “MySQL Workbench” as shown below:

At first Download MySQL Workbench

Now, download MySQL Workbench i.e., mysql-workbench-community-8.0.23-winx64.msi” by clicking on the “Downloads” button as in the below screenshot:

select msi installer for MySQL Workbench

After downloading the msi file, install MySQL Workbench. Go to START and Open MySQL Workbench.

Click on root user under MySQL Connections, and a new “Connect to MySQL Server” prompt will be visible as shown below.

Enter the same password you set before while installing MySQL and click OK:

Enter MySQL Workbench password to login root user

Now, you will enter MySQL Workbench successfully as shown below:

MySQL Bad Handshake error fixed Workbench begins

Follow the below videos for MySQL Server and Workbench:

Video Tutorial

If you’d like to see video tutorial and fix the issue, then refer the below video,

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Fix MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000) Access denied for user root@localhost (using password: YES) on Mac OS
Fix Can't connect to MySQL Server: MySQL Workbench could not detect any MySQL running
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