Bootstrap Introduction

Let us introduce Bootstrap and learn about its history and features. With that, also get an overview of Bootstrap 5.

What is Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free and popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework. The following are the features of Bootstrap:

  • Faster and easier web development
  • Responsive Website (Web sites that automatically adjust themselves on all devices)
  • Modern Web Browsers
  • Mobile-first approach


Let us see the History of Bootstrap i.e. who developed it and when:

  • Developers: Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton
  • First version introduced in 2011

What Bootstrap 5 Introduced

The introduction of Bootstrap 5 brought the following:

  • New Components and Styles
  • More responsive
  • Supports stable releases of all major browsers and platforms
  • Bootstrap 5 now supports using JavaScript instead of the jQuery support we saw in Bootstrap 3 and 4.

Video Tutorial – Bootstrap Introduction

The following is the complete video tutorial to learn an introduction to Bootstrap in Bootstrap:

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Bootstrap Tutorial
Bootstrap Set Environment
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