Android Studio IDE

Eclipse IDE was used primarily for developing Android application, but, 2014 brought the first stable build release of a new IDE, Android Studio.

It is a cross-platform OS, and can be downloaded for Windows, Mac OS X, as well as Linux. Android Studio has replaced Eclipse as Google’s primary IDE for Android app development and is now the official IDE if you want to gear up developing Android apps from scratch.

Here are some of the features that make Android Studio awesome for Android app development,

Open Source
Android Studio is an open source IDE. Just got to its official website and download for free.

Android Studio supports IntelliJ and provides advanced code completion, refactoring, code analysis, completion with tab, etc, which make writing code easier, faster and increase productivity.

Instant Run
Add your code and do the required changes for your app and. Instant run it on emulator or your device. Speed up your build with Instant Run.

Android Emulator 2.0 is faster than the previous ones and allows you to dynamically resize the emulator.

Multiple Devices
Install, run and test your app on multiple Android device configuration: Mobile, Tablets, Wear, and TV devices. Yes, you can run virtually on Android Wear and Android TV and see how your app design works on these devices.

Android Studio
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Gradle provides more power to Android Studio and offers high-performance build automation and customization build configurations.

Integrate with GitHub
You can also import Google code samples from GitHub and make your Android development understanding more enhanced.

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Android Architecture
Install Android Studio 2 on Windows 10
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