Android TextView Control

Android TextView Control is a control that shows text to the user. If you want to show a text view for editor, use EditText, which is a subclass of TextView.  It doesn’t allow editing, but it’s subclass EditText provide editing options.


It is used to show the text view like a label. Let’s say you want to add a label on your app, i.e. Our new features, then you can add it with TextView.


Now, we will write the code xml file, which has a TextView and EditText. Follow the below code,


For src\main\res\layout\activity_main.xml,


The content of \src\main\AndroidManifest.xml, provides key information of your app to the system. The system needs this to run your code,

Here’s the code for res/values/strings.xml. The app name and any hardcoded strings will be visible,


It shows our TextView, which shows the following text at the top: Working on an example Android app

We will also see an EditText, where user can enter value i.e. name,

Android TextView Output

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Android EditText Control
Android Button Control
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