HTML5 Introduction

HTML5 released in the year 2014 as a markup language by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is enhanced HTML with multimedia support generally followed these days. It incorporated HTML 4, XHTML1, and DOM Level2 HTML. Under, HTML5 Introduction we will be discussing some new features, and new HTML5 APIs. We will see which elements HTML5 removed and introduced.

The introduction of HTML5 also introduced markup and APIs for complicated web applications. It came as a blessing for HTML developers, since it extends and enhanced the markup available for documents.

The introduction of HTML5 brought some new HTML5 elements as well as APIs. With that, some HTML elements were removed in HTML5. Here are the details,

HTML 5 removed some of the elements. Some of them are listed below,

  • <acronym>
  • <applet>
  • <basefont>
  • <font>
  • <frame>
  • <strike>

HTML 5 came with some new elements. Some of them are listed below,

  • <header>
  • <footer>
  • <audio>
  • <video>
  • <canvas>
  • <svg>

HTML 5 came with new HTML 5 API’s. Some of them are listed below,

  • Geolocation– The Geolocation API is to locate the geographical position of a user. This location is only available on users’ approval.
  • Web Workers– An easier way to run scripts in background threads for web content.
  • Application Cache– It shows the role of cache. With this, a developer can identify which files the browser should cache, to be made available without an internet connection. This is done mainly to make available the cached files to offline users.

The filename extension for HTML5 is the same as HTML i.e. .html

HTML5 Attributes
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