JavaScript Strings

A String object in JavaScript represents a sequence of characters. Let us see what is a string and string object with its properties and methods, with live running examples.

Create a String and String Object

Let us see how to create a string. We have used double quotes here:

We can also use single quotes:

To create a string object using the new keyword:

JavaScript String Properties

The following are some of the String object properties:

  • Constructor
  • Length

Let us understand the properties one by one with examples.


This property returns a reference to the String function that created the object. Let us see an example:


JavaScript string.constructor property


The length property returns the length of the string. Let us see an example:


JavaScript string.length property

JavaScript String Methods

The following are some of the String object methods:

  • charAt()
  • concat()
  • indexOf()
  • lastIndexOf()
  • slice()
  • toUpperCase()
  • toLowerCase()

Let us understand the methods one by one with examples.

JavaScript charAt() method

The charAt() method is used to return the character at a specified index. Let us see an example to understand the charAt() method in JavaScript. We are finding the character at the 7th index:


JavaScript charAt() method

JavaScript concat() method

The concat() method is used to concatenate two strings. Let us see an example to understand the concat() method in JavaScript:


JavaScript concat() method

JavaScript indexOf() method

The indexOf() method is used to return the index of the first occurrence of the given value. Let us see an example to understand the indexOf() method in JavaScript. We will find the index of the first occurrence of the character i:


JavaScript indexOf() method

JavaScript lastIndexOf() method

The lastIndexOf() method is used to return the index of the last occurrence of the given value. Let us see an example to understand the lastIndexOf() method in JavaScript. We will find the index of the last occurrence of the character i:


JavaScript lastIndexOf() method

JavaScript slice() method

The slice() method is used to slice the string i.e., extract a section and return it as a new string. Let us see an example to understand the slice() method in JavaScript. We will extract the part of a string from specific start and end indexes:


JavaScript slice() method

JavaScript toUpperCase() method

The toUpperCase() method is used to convert the string into upper case. Let us see an example to understand the toUpperCase() method in JavaScript:


JavaScript toUpperCase() method

JavaScript toLowerCase() method

The toLowerCase() method is used to convert the string into lower case. Let us see an example to understand the toLowercase() method in JavaScript:


JavaScript toLowerCase() method

JavaScript Numbers
JavaScript Booleans
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