JavaScript Booleans

A Boolean object in JavaScript has two values true and false. Let us see how to create a Boolean and Boolean object. We will also see the Boolean properties and methods with live running examples.

Create a Boolean and Boolean object

Let us see how to create a Boolean:

We can create a Boolean object using the new keyword:

JavaScript Boolean Properties

We have a constructor property in the Boolean object. Let us understand the property with an example.


Using the constructor property, a reference to the Boolean function is returned. This function created the object. Let us see an example:


JavaScript boolean constuctor

JavaScript Boolean Methods

We have built-in methods for the Boolean object. Let us understand some of the methods with examples:

  • toString()
  • valueOf()

JavaScript toString() method

Use the toString() method to return the string representation based on the value of the object. Let us see an example:


JavaScript boolean toString() method

JavaScript valueOf() method

Use the valueOf() method in JavaScript to return the Boolean object. Let us see an example:


JavaScript boolean valueOf() method

JavaScript Strings
JavaScript Math
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