Setup Eclipse IDE on Windows For Java Development

Eclipse IDE is an open source IDE for developing applications. Let’s learn how to work with Eclipse Installation. We will also learn here to setup Eclipse, JDK and set path on Windows.

Prerequisites for Eclipse Installation

For creating a project on Eclipse IDE and running a project, you need the following software,

  • Java
  • Eclipse IDE: Eclipse 4.7

Download and Install JDK

Java Development Kit (JDK) is available for free from Oracle website, and is need to write and run Java programs.

Step 1- Firstly, download Java JDK.

After reaching the above link, go to Java Platform, Standard Edition and find the latest update number. The latest JAVA JDK is Java SE 8u144.

Go to the section and click JDK Download.

The same is shown in the following screenshot,

Download Java JDK

After clicking the JDK Download above, you will reach the Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads section.

Click on Accept and select the JDK for the OS version you’re working on. We’re working on 64-bit Windows 10 OS, so we will download the 64-bit JDKWindows version.

Click jdk-8u144-windows-x64.exe as shown below,

Download Java SE Development Kit 8

Click on the file,

JDK Installation begins

After clicking Next above, you will get an option to change the location of JDK installation. Leave as it is, and the JDK will install in the location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\

JDK Installation location

After clicking Next above, the installation continues,

JDK Installation Progress

The Java Setup continues,

Java Setup Progress

The JDK installation completed successfully,

JDK Installation successfull

Now go to the location and check the installation folder. The installation is successful, if you can find the JDK and JRE versions,

JDK Installation folder

The JDK installation is successful.

Set JDK Path

Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Advanced tab > Environment Variables.

Under System Variable, click Path, then New and add the following JDK path,

After that click OK,

Verify JDK Successful Installation

Go to Start > Run> type CMD and open the command prompt

Type java –version and press enter. If the following is visible, it means installation is successful,

Verifying JDK Installation

Above, you can see JAVA installation is successful, since our installed version 1.8.0_144 information is visible.

Download and Install Eclipse IDE

Step 2- Then, download Eclipse IDE and install it. Let’s see how,

The current version of Eclipse IDE is Eclipse Oxygen, i.e. Eclipse 4.7

Go to the official website of Eclipse and download Eclipse Oxgen

Download Eclipse IDE

After reaching the above link, click DOWNLOAD as in the following screenshot,

Downloading Eclipse Oxygen

After downloading the eclipse-inst-win64.exe package, click on it and begin installing Eclipse IDE,

Now, select the Eclipse Installer you want,

Selecting Eclipse IDE for JAVA Developers

After clicking, you will be given an option to change the Eclipse installer location,

Eclipse IDE location

Read and Accept the Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement,

Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement

The installation starts,

Eclipse IDE Installing

After some minutes, the installation will complete. Now, click on Launch to open Eclipse IDE for the first time.

Eclipse IDE Installation complete

Let us now check the video tutorial to install Eclipse 2020-03 on Windows 10:

In the next lesson, we will learn how to launch Eclipse IDE for the first time, without using Launch button. 

Eclipse Introduction
Launch Eclipse
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