Char Functions in C

C provides several standard library functions to work with characters. These functions help in handling and classifying characters in terms of their types. For example, you can check if a character is a digit, a letter, a space, a punctuation mark, etc.

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Let us now see some popular character functions in C language:

  1. isalpha() checks if the character is an alphabetic letter
  2. isdigit() checks if the character is a digit.
  3. isspace() checks if the character is a whitespace character, space, tab, new line, etc.
  4. toupper() converts a character to uppercase.
  5. tolower() converts a character to lowercase.

Let us see an example implementing all the above character functions:

isalpha() function in C

The isalpha() checks if the character is an alphabetic letter. Let us see an example:


isdigit() function in C

The isdigit() checks if the character is a digit. Let us see an example:


isspace() function in C

The isspace() checks if the character is a whitespace character, space, tab, new line, etc. Let us see an example:


toupper() function in C

The toupper() converts a character to uppercase. Let us see an example:


tolower() function in C

The tolower() converts a character to uppercase. Let us see an example:


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Storage Classes in C
C Tutorial | Learn C Programming
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