Decision Making Statements in C

Decision-making statements in C language are the same as in other programming languages such as C++, Java, etc. Decision-making is needed when you want a set of instructions to be executed in one condition and different sets of instructions in another.

The following are the decision-making statements in C,

  • if statement
  • if-else statement
  • if-else if-else statement
  • switch statement

if  statement

If the condition is true, the statement gets executed. If the condition is false, it does nothing.


The following is the syntax for the if statement in C language,

The following syntax is for multiple statements,

The following is an example showing the usage of the if statement in C language.

The following is the output, wherein the if statement executes since the value of i is more than 5:

Decision Making Statements in C

if-else statement

If the condition is true, then a set of statements is executed. If the condition is false, another set of statements gets executed.


The following is the syntax for the if-else statements in C language,

The following is an example showing the usage of the if-else statement in C language,

Here’s the output,

C Programming if-else statement

You can also work on nested if-else. Let us see how we can do it for the preceding example,

The following is the output, showing what value gets displayed while using nested if-else,

C Programming nested if-else statement

if-else if-else statement

The if-else if-else statement is useful when the if-statement has more than one condition.


The following is the syntax for the else-if statements in C languages,

The following is an example showing the usage of else-if statement in C languages:

The following is the output, displaying the result for values less than 50,

C Programming else-if statement

Switch Statement

Use the switch statement, if you want to take a decision from more than one choice. For example, grades A, B, C, D, E, etc based on the marks of students.

The following is the syntax:

The following is an example showing the usage of the switch statement in C language,

The following is the output:

In this example, the switch statement checks the value of the day variable and executes the corresponding case block. If none of the case blocks match the value of day, the default block is executed.

This lesson taught us how to work with Decision Making Statements in C Programming. We saw how to implement if, if-else, else-if, and switch statements in C.

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