C – Pointers

The C Pointer is a variable that is used to store the memory address as its value. However, to get the memory address of a variable, use the & operator. This means a variable has a unique memory location. This memory location has its own address. To access this address, we use the ampersand i.e., the & operator.

In this lesson, we will discuss the two operators useful to understand the concept of Pointers in C:

  • The Address Operator: Access the address of a variable. Defined byĀ &, the ampersand sign.
  • The Indirection Operator: Access the value of an address. Defined byĀ *, the asterisk sign.

Advantages of Pointers

  • Efficiency: Direct access to memory and hardware improves performance.
  • Dynamic Memory: They enable the dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory, avoiding wastage.
  • Complex Data Structures: Pointers are fundamental for creating complex data structures like linked lists and trees.
  • Function Pointers: These allow for callback functions and better modularity in code.

Disadvantages of Pointers

  • Complexity: They can make the code more complex and harder to understand.
  • Debugging Issues: Pointer-related bugs like segmentation faults and memory leaks are hard to debug.
  • Security Risks: Incorrect usage can lead to vulnerabilities like buffer overflow.
  • Memory Management: Manual memory management can be prone to errors, such as not freeing up memory, leading to memory leaks.

Let us see an example to display the address of variables in C:



Above,Ā varNameĀ is the pointer variable, whereas datatype is the type.

Declare and create a Pointer

Follow the above syntax and let us see how we can create and declare pointers:

In C, both int *a; and int* a; are syntactically correct and do the same thing: they declare a pointer to an integer.


Let us now see an example is to create a pointer variable and point to an integer variable. Here, TheĀ int* b declaresĀ bĀ as a pointer to an integer:

The int*b = &a means thatĀ bĀ is a pointer to an integer, and it is being initialized with the address of a.


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