Power BI – Select multiple values from a slicer

In the previous lesson, we saw what is a slicer and how to create it in Power BI. Let us now see how to select multiple values from a slicer. Let’s see.

Select multiple values by pressing Ctrl + Click. Here, we will select multiple states. The result would display the sum of profits in New Mexico, California, and Washington:

Select multiple values from a slicer in Power BI

If you want to make it easier to select multiple values, then disable the Ctrl + Click usage. Go to the Visualizations pane, then click Format your visual.

Instead of clicking each option, directly search Multi and it will show you the Multi-select with CTRL toggle bar. Set it to Off as shown below:

Multi select with CTRL option in Power BI Slicer

Now, no need to use the CTRL + Click to select multiple values from the Slicer.

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Read More:

Power BI - Create a slicer
Power BI - Set a chart with a slicer
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