PowerBI vs Tableau vs Excel

Power BI vs Tableau vs Excel

Power BITableauExcel
Data VisualizationStrong Data Visualization capabilities but not better than TableauFor Data Visualization, Tableau is considered better. It has advanced visualization capabilities.Simple data visualization can be easily achieved with Excel
Written inData Analysis Expressions (DAX), M, Python, etc.VizQL, Python, Java, etc.C++, Objective-C, etc.
MAC SupportUnavailable for MACAvailable for MACAvailable for MAC
DeveloperDeveloped by MicrosoftDeveloped by Tableau Software. It was acquired by Salesforce.Developed by Microsoft
PriceCheaper than Tableau. The actual cost depends on the organization needs.Priced higher than Power BI. The actual cost depends on the organization needs.Cheaper than both Tableau and Power BI.
ProcessingFast processingFast processingSlower than Power BI and Tableau.
Data AnalyticsMore analytics capabilitiesThe analytics capabilities are even better than Power BI.Fewer options for data analytics
ReportsMore interactive and personalised reportsMore interactive and personalised reportsLess interactive reports and limited capability
Analysing datasetsLarge datasets can be analysedLarge datasets can be analysedSmaller/ moderate size datasets can be analysed
EnterpriseSmall and medium scale enterprises prefer Power BI.Large enterprises prefer TableauSmall enterprises prefer Excel

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