Power BI – Types and Components

PowerBI is a Business Intelligence tool that will assist you in analyzing, and cleaning the data, converting that data into visual formats, create different reports and dashboards.

Let us see the types and components of Power BI. Here are the types of Power BI:

Types of Power BI

  • Power BI Desktop: This is the desktop version, Get data from Excel, CSV, web, SQL, etc. Use this version on your local machine easily for free. Learn to install Power BI on Windows.
  • Power BI Service: Online Tool: After creating, publish your work online and share it with different people, and organizations using Power BI Service.

Components of Power BI

Let us understand the components of Power BI:

  • Power Query: Extract data from different databases like SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, etc. Fetch the data from CSV files, and Excel files.
  • Power Pivot: It is a Data Modeling engine Power Pivot uses DAX. It creates relationships between different tables.
  • Power View: An interactive component connecting data sources and retrieving metadata for data analysis.
  • Power Map: As the name suggests, Power Map visualizes geospatial data in 3D.
  • Power BI Website: Easily create reports directly on the Power BI Website.
  • Power BI Mobile Apps: Share reports and dashboards from the mobile app. The apps are available for all the top mobile operating systems, i.e., Android, Windows as well as iOS.

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Read More:

Install Power BI on Windows 10
PowerBI vs Tableau vs Excel
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