Power BI – Create a Gauge Chart

Power BI has various default data visualization components. Let us see what is a Gauge Chart and how to create a Gauge Chart.

What is a Gauge Chart

A gauge chart displays information on a radial scale. It is also known as a speedometer chart or dial chart. To understand, consider it as a speedometer in a car. It has a needle pointing to the current value within the predefined range. It can also show progress towards a goal, like a percentage of the sales target achieved.

Create a Gauge Chart in Power BI

After opening Power BI and clicking Blank Report or opening your previous project, the Power BI layout will be visible.

The Visualization tab is on the right and shows all charts and graphs you can create in Power BI:

Power BI Visualizations Tab

To create a Gauge Chart, we selected the sum of Sales from the Data and it created a Clustered Column Chart:

Select the Data in Power BI to create a visualization

Go to the Visualizations pane and select the Gauge. Click on it and the Clustered Column Chart will convert to a Gauge Chart:

Select the Gauge Chart from Visualizations Tab in Power BI

The Gauge Chart in Power BI is now visible:

Gauge Chart created with Power BI

Format Visualization in Power BI

To format any visualization, click Format your visual under the Visualization pane:

Format Visualizations in Power BI

Change the color of the Gauge Chart

Under the Visual tab, click Colors and easily change the fill color like we have changed as shown below:

Change the color of the Gauge Chart in Power BI

Data Labels in Gauge Chart

Enable the data labels of the Gauge Chart and change the font, font color, display units, etc., as we have changed as shown below:

Enable the Data Labels in Power BI
Therefore, we created a Gauge Chart successfully in Power BI.

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Read More:

Power BI - Get Data from Excel Workbook
Power BI - Create a Column Chart for Visualization
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