Blur an image with OpenCV

Add a soft-focus effect by blurring the image. Use the GaussianBlue() function to blur an image. Let us see an example of blurring an image with OpenCV:

The following is the output:

Blur an image with OpenCV

This Python script demonstrates how to use the OpenCV library to load an image, apply a Gaussian blur, and display the result:

  • The script starts by importing OpenCV and loading an image from the specified file path using the cv2.imread() function.
  • The loaded image is assigned to the variable image.
  • A Gaussian blur is then applied to the image using the cv2.GaussianBlur() function. This function takes three arguments: the image to be blurred, the size of the kernel (15, 15) (which determines the level of blurriness), and the standard deviation in the X and Y directions (set to 0 to allow automatic calculation).
  • The blurred image is stored in the variable blurred_image.
  • Finally, the script displays the blurred image in a window titled “Blur Filter” using the cv2.imshow() function.
  • To allow interaction, the script waits for a key press with cv2.waitKey(0) before closing the window using cv2.destroyAllWindows().
  • This provides a clear and interactive way to visualize the blurred effect on the image.

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