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  • Andrew Geofrey

    The CSS Image border-radius property is useful to create rounded images and rounded corners. Let’s see an example,

    The following will form the image 30% circular,

    To understand it further, follow the below example, with yellow border and border radius 20px,
    Image Border Radius

    Here’s the output showing rounded corner of an image,
    Image Border Radius Output

    Andrew Geofrey

    Here’s the explanation and an easier way to understand the most confusing topic related to Grammar,

    Use Apostrophe
    Use apostrophe when you want to include it is or it has.
    The following are some examples,

    • It’s great to work with you.
    • It’s always an awesome day at the market.

    Do not use Apostrophe
    Do not use apostrophe when its is used as a possessive.
    The following are some examples,

    • Apple celebrated its tenth anniversary.
    • The drink is in its bottle.
    Andrew Geofrey

    If you want to change the case of a text, then use CSS “text-transform” property.

    For example,

    If you want to change the case of text for “David Warner”, to lowercase, i.e. first letter in small caps, which is, “david warner”, then
    text-transform: lowercase;

    If you want to change the case of text for “David Warner”, to uppercase i.e. “DAVID WARNER”, then
    text-transform: uppercase;

    For better understanding, giving an example below,

    Change Case using CSS

    After running the above program, the following output will be visible, which change the case,

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