Machine Learning – Mode

Mode is used to get the most common value. It is a useful measure of central tendency because it finds the value that occurs most frequently in a dataset.

The “mode” is the most common value in a dataset. It is calculated by finding the value that occurs most frequently in the dataset.

Mode is not preferred when:

  • The dataset has a wide range of value
  • The dataset has no repeating values.

Note: The Mode is the most common value

Let us see an example. To calculate the mode in Python, we will use the mode() method. We will use the Pandas library to create a Pandas DataFrame. The Pandas DataFrame is a Two-dimensional tabular data structure i.e. table with rows and columns.

Read: Free Pandas Tutorial

We will also add some repeating values to the dataset.

The following is the Python code to get the mode:

The following is the output:

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Read More:

Machine Learning – Median
Machine Learning - What is Central Tendency
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